Schmidt­heim Forest

For generations, we have taken care to preserve the diversity of our forest. Maintaining a balanced forest provides habitation for many animals and plant species.

Responsibility for nature

The Schmidtheim forest has belonged to us for centuries. We therefore feel a great responsibility towards it and try to live up to this commitment in everything we do.  We are proud to present you this beautiful forest where you can enjoy the beauty of nature. Such beautiful forests are the result of hard work and intense collaboration with our foresters.

Sustainability is the driving force in all our forestry management. This means that we observe ecological, economic, and social standards that will positively influence next generations. For this reason, we also trust in the independent PEFC certification (International Forest Certification System).

Within the framework of forest management, we are committed to forests that are rich in structure and as resistant as possible to climate change. This is an important contribution in nature conservation. Through this commitment, we protect the forest as a CO2 reservoir which in turn provides the basis for many products. When you return from your walk through the Schmidtheim forest, for example, you may want to note that your roof is also supported by a CO2 reservoir just as much as your grandmother’s antique oak table continues to bind CO2.

Even after processing, wood continues to contribute to nature conservation and helps fight climate change.

Our forestry management which includes hunting, is done with great respect for creation. Many people and their families depend on our forest and earn their livelihood through its management. Thus, nature can nourish humankind if we understand nature and treat it with respect. We manage and care for the Schmidtheim Forest according to this philosophy.

If you have any questions about the Schmidtheim Forest, please email

Please also keep an eye out for events hosted by the Centre for Nature & Mankind.

Help us to preserve this wonderful forest experience. Out of consideration for flora, fauna and habitat, we ask that you please stay on the trails and keep your dog on a lead. Do not leave trash in the forest. And please show understanding for the forest workers, who also show understanding for your visit.


Enjoy the nature and tranquility of the beautiful Schmidtheim Forest!

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