Schmidtheim Castle’s „Centre for Nature & Mankind“ offers seminars, excursions and other events revolving around nature, people and culture.
The Centre for Nature & Mankind is offering seminars, excursions and other events in the field of NATURE, HUMAN BEINGS and CULTURE.
Schmidtheim Castle has always been closely connected to nature. The Counts Beissel have been managing and nurturing the beautiful Schmidtheim Forest for over 500 years.
It is close to the family’s heart to bring FOREST, NATURE and CULTURE closer to everyone. By experiencing nature up close, we hope that our visitors will develop an understanding of the life-sustaining cycles in flora and fauna. Come and experience the healing nature of the forest first-hand.
For many people nowadays, success at all costs is a top priority. The pressures of personal and professional success as well as exaggerated ideals of youth, beauty and endless energy perpetuated by media seem to have become the only goal for many.
The excessive and unrealistic demands that many make upon themselves may ultimately have the opposite effect and people become unhappy, even angry.
Is this really what we want? Where is the joy in life? Where is the natural refueling for body and mind?
The Covid-19 pandemic has shown us how much escaping into the tranquility of nature can revitalize the body and the mind.
Schloss Schmidtheim is passionate in providing the experience of nature to its visitors.
The diverse offer of our „Centre for Nature & Mankind“ is dedicated in showing the abundance of nature. We are enthusiastic in showing that humans can indeed have a positive influence on nature.
In our seminars, participants learn not only to look at nature differently, but also to see themselves and their own creativity in a different light .
Bit by bit, JOY and SATISFACTION are rediscovered.
We hope to welcome you soon!
Graf Damian Beissel
Anne Gräfin Beissel von Gymnich
Hubertusstr. 6
53949 Schmidtheim
Schmidtheim has its own railway station and is located directly on the Cologne-Trier railway line.